RFK, Jr.: A Chronic Disease Epidemic Caused by America’s Unhealthy Foods
RFK Jr. prayed every day for 19 years to be able to bring health back to our children, and “God sent me Donald Trump.”
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the scion of the Kennedy family, perhaps the leading family of the Democratic Party, has devoted his adult life as a lawyer to fighting for environmental causes and for children’s health. But he changed course and paired up with Donald Trump to support Trump’s campaign to re-take the White House in the 2024 election, and for this members of RFK Jr.’s extended family and most Democrats have virtually disowned him.
After the election, Trump named Kenney as his nominee to be Secretary of Heath and Human Services, where Kennedy promised to “Make America Healthy Again.” In a press release announcing the nomination of Kennedy, Trump said that Americans have for too long been “crushed by the industrial food complex and drug companies.” In this position, RFK Jr. will be in charge of the the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the NIH (National Institutes for Health), FDA (Food and Drug Administion), CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services), and numerous other food and health agencies.
When Kennedy ended his own independent (third-party) presidential campaign and joined in a “unity campaign” with Trump, Kennedy said, “For 19 years, since 2005, I spent 30 minutes praying every day when I got out of bed, and my prayer is this: I asked God for 19 years to put me in a position where I could end the chronic disease epidemic and bring health back to our children, and in August, God sent me Donald Trump.”
Democrats went ballistic. The Democratic Party officially called RJK Jr., “The Surrograte from Hell.” DNC Senior Advisor Mary Beth Cahill said, “By continuing to embrace RFK Jr.’s fringe views about women’s health, vaccines, and, now, fluoride in water, Trump is showing voters just how desperate he is and the extremists he’ll surround himself with in a second Administration. Both should terrify you.”
In another official Democratic Party posting they call RFK, Jr. a “Conspiracy Theorist and Misinformation Patient Zero,” and in purest vitriol the Democrats opined, “Donald Trump is threatening the health and safety of every American to reward a notorious liar who has pushed 9/11 conspiracy theories, backed a national abortion ban, spread disinformation that led to a deadly measles outbreak, and left an appalling record of personal behavior — including sexual assault allegations — in his wake. Americans should not have to put their health in the hands of a man who has had a worm eat part of his brain, and Democrats are ready to fight every day against RFK Jr. and Trump’s dangerous agenda.” Whatever you may think of RFK, Jr. (and we like him immensely), the Democrats’ statement appears just very nasty, ill-tempered, and unbalanced.
Kennedy has described as an “existential” threat to America’s future an “epidemic” of chronic diseases that he says (we believe with justification) have plagued America. Americans, he says, have been “mass poisoned by big pharma and big food,” and he says that federal agencies, rather than acting to stop the deaths, have aligned themselves with these powerful industries and their lobbiests, and have enriched themselves to the serious detriment of the people who consume their unhealthy foods.
“I’m going to urge President Trump on Day One to do the same thing they did in COVID, which is to declare a national emergency, but not for infectious disease, but for chronic disease,” Kennedy has said.
Kennedy says many health issues have only worsened because of federal inaction, including autism, ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder), sleep disorders, and infertility rates. Kennedy has also said that diabetes and obesity have affected growing percentages of the population due to unhealthy manufactured foods and federal inaction.
Below is a video of RFK, Jr., in which he says, “When it is the government that approves the poisons in our food, a few people get very, very rich and the toxins end up in every supermarket aisle.” Kennedy says, “Americans die earlier than Canadians, or Germans, or Italians, or Japanese, or Koreans, or Australians, or most any other comparable countries, and it wasn’t always that way. Until the early 1990’s, our life expectancy was the same or better than other developed countries. Then suddenly more and more Americans began suffering from chronic diseases, from obesity, cancer, diabetes, kidney disease, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and all kinds of auto-immune diseases. Our maternal mortality rate soared to the highest of any developed country on earth. Same with infrant mortality.”
Kennedy concludes the video below by saying, “President Trump and I are going to stop the mass poisioning of American children. Together, we’re going to Make America Healthy Again.”