
Journalist Del Bigtree Lambasts Reporters for False Reporting on Covid and Vaccines.

Bigtree tells medical reporters, “You have been the Spreaders of Misinformation.”

Del Bigtree, host of the Highwire program, tells media reporters, “How do you call the people that got it right the spreaders of misinformation? You have been the spreaders of misinformation. You have gotten it wrong and America is still waiting for an apology.”

Speaking at a MAHA Alliance press conference immediately after Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was sworn-in as HHS Secretary, Bigtree said that vaccine injury “is real, it happens. People are injured every single year. Children are maimed and killed every single year by our vaccine program.” Addressing those who say vaccine injury is “rare,” Bigtree stated that even if rare, it needs to be investigated. He was introduced by Senator Ron Johnson (R- Wisconsin), whose introduction begins on the below video at 10:45. “This is a moment of true hope,” Johnson said. “There is absolutely nothing partisan” about the MAHA (“Make America Healthy Again”) movement. Autism “is a tragedy,” Johnson said, asking, “What is causing this incredible upsurge in autism?” “We can’t be afraid to ask those questions.” “People like Bobby Kennedy haven’t even been allowed to ask the question without being ridiculed and vilified. That has to stop. The American people desperately want these answers.”

Bigtree, the CEO of the MAHA Alliance, took the podium at 16:05 in the video below. (Please fast-forward to 16:05 to skip directly to Bigreee’s remarks.)

According to Bigtree, “Mainstream media and mainstream medicine scares everyone away” from investigating vaccines. Mainstream media, he says, is unwilling to report on medicine problems because so much of its advertising comes from Big Pharma. He estimated the amount of TV ad revenue from Big Pharma to be in the range of “50-70 percent.” He told the assembled reporters that, “I would probably put money that none of you reporters have every grabbed one of the [vaccine package] inserts and read it.” What these reporters have called “misinformation” is actually, he said, included in every package insert.

Bigtree spoke of the “regression into autism” that occurs in too many children shortly after a vaccine and said this was something “we can’t talk about.” Parents, he said, should be able to opt-out of a vaccination, such as the Hepatitis-B vaccine — which is designed to prevent sexually transmitted diseases affecting prostitutes and heroin drug users — “since it is unlikely that in the near future for a day-one old baby they will be having extreme sexual intercourse or sharing heroin needles.”

Bigtree told the reporters that, “No one in front of me right now has ever written about this story. Why? How can you say you’re doing your job? Who are you working for? We’re supposed to be the Fourth Branch of government, the Fourth Estate, we’re supposed to challenge these things.

Referring to the often-stated “fact” (but not, in reality, a fact) that the Covid vaccine stops transmission, “which every one of you write, I don’t know how many of you have apologized for getting wrong. I read the Emergency Use Authorization [EUA] by the FDA, and it states very clearly , this study cannot show whether this vaccine can stop transmissions. What were you writing about? Where was your science? And how do you call the people who got it right the “spreaders of misinformation?” You have been the Spreaders of Misinformation.”

“You have gotten it wrong,” Bigree told the assembled reporters at the press conference, “and American is still waiting for an apology.”

If you are interested in hearing a good synopsis of the claims that vaccines are contributing to many childhood diseases, this video should be watched.

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