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Opinion & Analysis and Constitutional Discussion

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If you submit a fully-written article for publication, we will review it, and (a) accept it as it is, (b) edit it as we see fit, and provide you with an edited copy for your approval, or (c) reject the article. If published, a byline will appear saying “Guest Article by [your name].” Please include a short description of who you are (to the extent relevant to providing credibility to your views) at the end of your article. You must assure us that your article is not plagiarized, that it is not written in whole or in part by Artificial Intelligence software, and that no copyrighted material is used. We will need a copy of your current Driver’s License or other quality I.D. in case issues arise concerning copyright or libel. You will be responsible for what you have submitted. Whether a submitted article is published or not published, we may still cover the topic in subsequent postings. We do not pay any fee for ideas or submissions. All submissions are also governed by the terms set forth in our Copyright and Defamation Policy, which should be reviewed prior to making any submission of content for publication.