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U.S. Will Sell a “Gold Card,” a “Green Card” for Millionaires, for $5 Million.

Mr. Trump suggested that the sale of the Gold Cards may totally wipe out America’s $35 trillion debt.

Trump Gold Card


The world’s very wealthy will be able to obtain legal residence in the U.S. for the purchase of a $5m Gold Card. It is expected that the Gold Card holders will start businesses and greatly boost employment. Revealing the new program in the Oval Office, President Trump said, “Wealthy people will be coming into our country by buying this card … they will be spending a lot of money and paying a lot of taxes and employing a lot of people.” Mr. Trump said the Gold Card will provide “Green Card privileges plus.” It will provide a “route to citizenship.”

Mr. Trump said the Gold Card should be available in about two weeks. “We think it will be extremely successful. It’s never been done before.”

“The Gold Card will bring in with it people that create jobs, very high level people.” The President suggested that big American corporations (he specifically mentioned Apple) will be able to buy a card to induce high level people to come and work for them. “But generally,” he said, “it will be people with money and people that create jobs.” “They’ll pay full taxes like everybody else, so you’re getting big taxpayers, big job-producers,” he added.

Mr. Trump said he expects, “We’ll be able to sell maybe a million of these cards, maybe more than that, and if you add up the numbers … a million cards would be worth five trillion dollars. Five trillion. And if you sell ten million of the cards, that’s a total of fifty trillion dollars. Well, we have thirty-five trillion in debt.” “It could be great. Maybe it will be fantastic.”

The President added that the program was “all worked out from the legal standpoint. It’s totally legal to do.” Mr. Trump said that generally the proceeds would be used to pay down debt. Asked if he needed Congressional approval for the program, Mr. Trump said Congressional action was not required because, “We’re not doing citizenship … It’s a path to citizenship. A very strong path. But we’re not doing citizenship.” He assured that, “The people will be vetted very carefully,” and he added, “Your taxes will go down to nothing.”

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