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About Us provides Opinion & Analysis and Constitutional Discussion unlike that available from most news and opinion sites on the internet. We seek to become your trusted resource for accurate information and pithy, unconventional analysis. Our mission is to offer our readers an honest and unbiased perspective on politics, the legal system, finance, health, and science.

Our independent editorial team carefully examines information from different sources, and writes posts on issues we think you’ll be interested in. While so much of what’s out there is misleading or downright false, we use only evidence-backed information to prepare our analyses and to inform our opinions, so that we can help our readers make the most informed decisions.

At, we believe that access to accurate and trustworthy information is a right for all. Our goal is to combat the constant misinformation that is spread, and to provide you with “our take” on these issues, so that you can make informed decisions based on reliable data.

There are no charges and no fees for our website. There are no subscriptions. There are no “pay walls” like you’ll find elsewhere. No one is paying us anything to influence our opinions, and if they tried, we’d reject the money. We may have some advertising from time-to-time, but the money these ads can generate is so little, that we’re not selling our “birthright for a mess of pottage” (to borrow from the story of Jacob and Esau). We sell no products; we sell no services. You may like what you read here, or you may not like it, but at least you’ll know that we’re writing what we believe, and direction is not given to us by anyone else.

You may have noticed that we have not identified our ownership or our writers (which are one and the same). We’re not interested in becoming famous on a personal level, though we’d love for this site to become very successful. We’re also not that interested in becoming rich (it’s too late in life for that!). Given that we’re not looking to become known or rich, there is no reason to become subjected to all the weird, nasty, vengeful, and downright dangerous people who render physical harm against those with whom they disagree. We’d rather sit in tranquility and peace and type out our thoughts for you to read, than going out and facing an angry mob that can’t tolerate people who hold our views.

We have an American perspective from an American Vantage Point. We like the United States of America. We like our Constitution. We like our culture, our music, our foods, our way of life. That doesn’t mean we like everything that happens here, and we surely respect that there are a lot of things that may legitimately be criticized, but over-all it’s good here in the U.S.A., and we are grateful to our ancestors that they came to this land.

We hope you will find our writings, our thoughts, and our values commendable and of interest, and that you will return often to to read our latest postings.